Interim and block beds

An interim bed is required when the homecare service needed is unavailable.

Interim beds can be block beds (pre-purchased by LCC) or a spot purchase (arranged and purchased when needed).

Block beds should also be used for normal temporary admissions (STC) and respite when available.

Interim Block Beds

These are not recorded as a service on the person’s record.

Brokerage will advise you if an interim bed is required and a block bed is available. They will send you an external form - Interim Bed Authorisation. This will need completing and requires County Manager authorisation.

You will need to email a copy of the authorised form to Brokerage and upload it to the person’s record.

Spot Interim Beds

If there are no block beds available you will need to arrange a spot interim bed using the Change in Care Package Delivery Request. This is available as a next action from the Review of Care and Support Plan, Hospital Case Monitoring and Community Transfer of Care Case Monitoring steps.

You will also need to complete the external Interim Bed Authorisation form, which will need to be uploaded in the Change in Care Package Delivery Request step.

You will need to send the 'Please review information and authorise' request to your manager using the Requests (clipboard) toolbar icon.

Block Beds for Temporary Admissions or Respite

When arranging a temporary admission or respite, block beds should be considered before purchasing a spot bed. You should check with Brokerage to see if a bed is available.

If one is available, you should cost for the temporary admission or respite using the ‘Other Service Type - Residential’ option in the Support Plan Costings.

You will not need to complete a Purchase Service Request (PSR). However, if you are also commissioning other services you will need to complete the PSR for these services as usual.  

Brokerage will email a financial assessment referral form to you, which will need completing, emailing to Serco Finance and uploading to the person’s record.