Professionals Hub for Domestic Abuse in Lincolnshire

Welcome to the Professionals Hub for Domestic Abuse in Lincolnshire.

You will find resources to aid you in working with a client affected by Domestic Abuse, anything related to the Lincolnshire MARAC (Multi Agency Risk Assessment Conferences) and the Lincolnshire Domestic Homicide Reviews [DHRs].

We offer professionals in Lincolnshire a range of resources to help them support someone who is being abused or choosing to abuse a loved one, and that could be either a partner, ex-partner or family member as in the Home Office definition.

Our resources include:

  • DASH risk assessments and guidance
  • MARAC information
  • referral forms
  • joint protocols
  • process maps and flowcharts
  • joint poster to promote awareness of where to go for support

For information on what is domestic abuse, keeping someone safe, common myths, the impact on children, if you're worried about your own behaviour and services available, you can visit the Domestic Abuse website or share it with those you are working with.

You can find a range of helpful videos produced by the Lincolnshire Domestic Abuse Partnership here.


To stay up to date about training courses and domestic abuse locally and nationally, you can sign up for our monthly newsletter.

You can also access all local domestic abuse training here, by searching Domestic Abuse in either the Learning tab (for E-learning) or Events tab (for face to face training).


We offer materials for you to use within lessons via the stay safe partnership.

Lincolnshire Domestic Abuse Related Death Reviews [DARDRs]

You can read all the recently published reviews to see there outcomes.