Transitions to next stage of education or employment
adapts to the next stage of education with some guidance or planning
plans for the day ahead, with occasional prompts required
follows complex instructions, completes tasks without guidance after practice, and asks where further instruction is needed
can explain their hopes for the future and some steps to achieve these
Friends, relationships & community
can engage in some level of social interaction and is willing or able to communicate with peers and adults, with infrequent difficulties
can engage in social interaction with no inappropriate sexualised behaviour
will mostly consider their own safety or that of others before making decisions
is mostly able to express their own wishes and feelings, and has alternative strategies to express these in more challenging circumstances
is willing to engage in others' plans despite very infrequent misunderstanding of others' purpose, how they should interact or wanting to take over
can confidently manage a travel plan
Independent living
can independently dress, wash and use the toilet, but sometimes needs prompts in one or more of these areas
is confident undertaking food preparation and choosing a healthy diet, after appropriate guidance
understands safety in the home with occasional prompts
understands how to use money (including saving) and the concept of value, with occasional prompting
Good health
the pupil can communicate their health needs – whether physical or mental - but infrequently will require prompts or questions
the pupil remembers to complete basic, routine healthcare management tasks. For example, taking medication – and will often take steps to manage those that are not routine without prompts
the pupil can take steps to manage their emotional responses