Level 5-6 strategies to support specialist interventions

High quality teaching and targeted strategies, approaches and adaptations for independence should be implemented and evidenced

  • identified, regular support to undertake the following:
    • organising thoughts to start work or task
    • planning for the day ahead
    • getting the right resources
  • personalised timetable introduced in negotiation with pupil, parents or carers and staff. This may include temporary withdrawal from some activities, alternative curriculum opportunities  e.g. vocational/college/ supervised work placements
  • use of visual reminders, timers, resources and rewards to develop independence
  • opportunities created for peer to peer interaction
  • independence and social inclusion promoted in an appropriate way. For example, participation in activities, nurture groups, sports and leisure activities lunchtime and extra-curricular clubs and events
  • support to develop good habits in relation to diet, exercise, budgeting, decision making