Level 5-6 what you may notice

Transitions to next stage of education or to employment

  • responds to a phased transition to a change in environment (education setting) with additional support
  • understands sequencing of events and can plan for later in the day with some support and prompts (which may be visual)
  • can follow two-step instructions and will complete some tasks without guidance after practice
  • will sometimes select preferences for their future from options, and with support will agree some steps to achieve these when given options

Friends, relationships and community

  • social interaction or understanding social rules is often difficult, but the pupil is sometimes willing and able to communicate with peers and adults 
  • shows difficulty in understanding social rule resulting in occasional slips in inappropriate sexualised behaviour
  • will sometimes follow the instructions of others or their own wishes, without considering their own safety or the safety of others
  • has limited expression of their own wishes and feelings, with some strategies in place to communicate these
  • is generally receptive to plans that are not their own (group activities) but on occasion may refuse 
  • can use public transport to travel between home and school, but alternatives would need to be arranged if there were short-term changes to service

Independent living

  • may sometimes struggle with one or more of the following: washing, dressing, using the toilet
  • can undertake some basic food preparation with appropriate guidance and practice, and reminders about healthy diets
  • with some monitoring and use of prompts, the pupil usually manages safety in the home 
  • will follow others’ example in using money and needs guidance around savings and appropriate value

Good health

  • can communicate their health needs, whether physical or mental, in a basic way, but sometimes requires prompts or questions
  • remembers to complete basic, routine healthcare management tasks,including taking medication, and can take some steps to manage those that are not routine when prompted
  • will usually signal when they need help in managing emotional responses