Website and content governance

All content will be written and published by the digital engagement team (DET).

It will align with the priorities set by the design authority.

The DET will:

  • manage website structure (for example, homepages, landing pages and microsites)
  • build and select content types
  • write all content, alongside members of the working groups
  • publish all content to agreed deadlines
  • communicate content changes to stakeholders (for example, the customer service centre)
  • set review dates for content

The DET will ensure that all content published on the website:

  • meets a customer need
  • conforms to style guidelines
  • remains relevant and up-to-date
  • helps to reduce internal workloads and customer frustration
  • helps reduce contact via other, more expensive, channels

Content owners

Every item of content must have a nominated 'content owner' from the relevant service area.

Each service is responsible for the accuracy of its own information and data.

This DET is responsible for how it is written and presented.

Content workflow

All content is subject to workflow approval, managed by the DET.

Services must submit content or change requests by emailing

There are two types of change request:

  • Minor changes – these include spelling errors, broken links, document updates
  • Major changes – these include new content or wholesale page changes

All change requests will be approved or rejected within five days of submission.

Minor changes

These will be made on the live site. These will be completed as quickly as possible once approved.

The 'content owner' will be notified when they are complete. They will be contacted if there is an issue or delay.

Major changes

These will be made on a test site first.

The 'content owner' must supply all new content and wholesale page changes to the DET. Please follow the guidelines for writing digital content as closely as possible.

It will be reviewed by the DET and amended to ensure that it complies with the guidelines.

The DET will ensure all stakeholders are informed of the changes. For example, the customer service centre.

The 'content owner' will review and discuss all changes with the DET.

Once agreed, the DET will provide all stakeholders with a go-live date.

Important: Please give at least two weeks' notice for major change requests. They will be reviewed and prioritised within five days of being submitted.

Rejected content

When content is rejected by the DET, the 'content owner' will be told why.

When rejected content is re-submitted the five-day turnaround period will apply again.

Urgent content

Where content is deemed to be urgent, send your request to and mark your email high importance.

The decision on an urgent go-live date will be made on a case-by-case basis.

Content appeals

The DET has the final say in all matters relating to online content. In exceptional cases, this can be escalated to the design authority.

Content reviews

All content must be reviewed annually. This can be more often, if necessary.

All content with a fixed lifespan must have an expiry date (for example, a campaign)