Step two- early intervention

Statutory guidance

Schools should adopt a range of initial intervention strategies to help pupils manage their behaviour and to reduce the likelihood of suspension and permanent exclusion. This is achieved by helping pupils understand behavioural expectations and by providing support for pupils who struggle to meet those expectations. Some pupils will need more support than others and this should be provided as proactively as possible.

Measures are in place and both general and targeted interventions are used to improve pupil behaviour and support is provided to all pupils to help them meet behaviour standards, making reasonable adjustments for pupils with a disability as required

School actions

An anonymised, bookable consultation with BOSS (40 minutes) can be utilised at this stage.  This can be identified through consultation with PRT caseworker in the following cases prior to the 12 week referral process:

  • children moving into Lincolnshire displaying significant needs
  • where a child has entered school through the mid-year admissions process and additional support is required to enable their transition
  • children showing a rapid increase in challenging behaviours
  • where risk of exclusion is felt to be 8+
  • where a PSP has been started but impact is minimal and it is felt that specialist advice would be useful to inform outcomes

It may be appropriate to revisit Ask SALL if appropriate to seek further advice or support.

At this point a PRT caseworker should be involved to support the process.  Request by email or by calling 01522 555798 (North) or 01522 555816 (South). 

A discussion around off-site direction potentially leading to a managed move should take place with PRT to see whether a fresh start would be useful for the child or young person.  

Access to PRT funding for reducing the risk of exclusion can be considered for specific support at step 2 through discussion with a PRT caseworker.