
The Lincolnshire Ladder of Behavioural Intervention (the Ladder) is supported by current statutory guidance on permanent exclusion and suspensions and its companion piece on behaviour.

Good behaviour in schools is essential so that all pupils benefit from the opportunities provided by education.  For most pupils, suspensions and permanent exclusions will not be necessary, as other strategies can and should be put in place to support and manage behaviour.  

Individual schools will develop their own best practice for managing behaviour. This document will provide advice to schools to improve and maintain high standards of behaviour. Schools will create a culture with high expectations of behaviour through policies, strategies, practices, and interactions that benefit both staff and pupils, establishing calm, safe and supportive environments conducive to learning.

A pupil may be suspended from school to provide a clear signal of what is unacceptable behaviour as part of the school’s behaviour policy and show a pupil that their current behaviour is putting them at risk of permanent exclusion.

However, where suspensions are becoming a regular occurrence for a pupil there should be consideration as to whether suspension alone is an effective sanction for the pupil and rather, what additional strategies need to be put in place to address behaviour and the underlying factors that are causing the behaviour.

A decision to exclude a pupil permanently should only be taken when absolutely necessary and as a last resort: 

  • in response to serious or persistent breaches of the school's behaviour policy; and
  • where allowing the pupil to remain in school would seriously harm the education or welfare of the pupil or others such as staff or pupils in the school. 

For all suspensions and permanent exclusions, school must notify the local authority without delay. In Lincolnshire this is within 24 hours of the exclusion being issued.