
As part of good practice and in order to embed the fact that everyone plays a part in supporting pupil behaviour, the pre-ladder step sets out what should be done as a matter of course and also what should be done when concerns first start to arise.

Statutory guidance

By having simple, clear and well communicated expectations of behaviour and providing staff with bespoke training on the needs of pupils at the school, behaviour can be managed consistently so that both pupils and staff can thrive, achieve and build positive relationships based on predicatbility, fairness and trust.

School actions

Up to date staff training and cpd is crucial to effectively support behavioural needs. It is the lynch pin to ensuring staff have the appropriate knowledge, skills and training to enable them to put robust practice in place. Whole school training on behaviour as a communication, or relational work and restorative practice to be completed. This needs to have been done in the last two years and evidenced with date and training provider. The training provider can be BOSS, WTT, Caring2Learn or any other external training provider. If schools have their own specialist staff then they can use them to provide their training. As part of a school’s reflective planning cycle and cpd, schools should record how this training has been implemented and its impact. This reflection will help schools to identify any strengths or any areas of additional training that may be required.

Statutory guidance

Where a school has serious concerns about a pupil’s behaviour, it should consider whether a multi-agency assessment such as an early help assessment or statutory assessment that goes beyond the pupil’s educational needs is required.

School actions

The early help pathway in Lincolnshire’s early help strategy (2021) reflects the best place to start exploring issues that may be arising is in conversation with the child or young person, family, and support network to understand what life currently looks like for them. Lincolnshire’s early help assessment (EHA) is how we explore these open and honest conversations with families in Lincolnshire. By using the EHA as a conversation tool, it is possible to gain an understanding of the impact of holistic factors, in an open and honest way with the child or young person and those who are important to them. It is important to take time to gain a full understanding of issues, circumstances or events which may be impacting on the child’s behaviour. Early identification and support for these extenuating factors can help to avoid the need for a PSP or the need to follow the ladder further. Following on from the EHA, a TAC can be opened if necessary to support any identified needs..