Interface with Valuing SEND

Whilst both VSEND and this toolkit can be used independently for a wide range of purposes, the two resources complement one another and for pupils with more complex needs. It will be helpful to utilise them both since this will greatly enhance decision-making, as follows: 

  • VSEND will enable an initial profiling of needs and can be used at the initial assess stage of the graduated approach
  • the school readiness prompts within VSEND will allow SENDCos to audit current provision. Systemic changes may be needed to remove barriers, reduce stressors, and create inclusive learning environments
  • the Toolkit provides SENDCos with practical strategies matched to level of need; graded from 0 through to 9-10, these correspond with the school readiness prompts within VSEND but include more granular detail and links to high quality, published resources 
  • should a request need to be made for additional resource via an EHCP, then SENDCos should submit three cycles of graduated approach evidence, with VSEND or an equivalent assessment tool informing each cycle so that progress over time is clear. 

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