Level 1-2 what you may notice


The child has a mild difficulty with social communication and getting along with people or some rigidity of thoughts which affects learning and may affect being a member of a group in some contexts.

  • this child will have difficulties with social interaction and demonstrate limited understanding of nonverbal cues.
  • they will have immature social skills, struggle to express their feelings and needs and look towards adults rather than peers.
  • they may have some difficulties following social norms like turn taking and making eye contact.  
  • their level of communication skills may limit their ability to participate in activities, social communication and interaction with their peers, leading to frustration or emotional and behavioural difficulties


The pupil shows low level frequency social and communication interaction difficulties which interrupts learning in some situations. The pupil’s needs are met within their mainstream class through high quality teaching.

  • the pupil finds social situations confusing or upsetting
  • they are unclear about appropriate responses and how to form relationships, with limited development of conversational skills
  • the pupil has a number of specific interests which can at times impact on engagement in learning activity, as they prefer to follow their own plans
  • the pupil is reluctant to take turns and is unsettled by changes to routine
  • difficulty making and keeping friends, loner, or has ‘key’ friends 
  • copes better with adults 
  • possible low-level behaviours 
  • “Quirky” 
  • conforming, but reported to be unhappy after school 
  • quiet or passive in nature, withdrawn 
  • some identifiable sensory needs 
  • signs of anxiety or ‘meltdowns’
  • frequent sickness, may be related to anxiety rather than poor health