Level 5-6 strategies to support specialist interventions
High quality teaching and targeted strategies, approaches and adaptations for pupils should be implemented and supplemented
- teaching approaches place a high emphasis on direct teaching, very finely graded and practical tasks which provide opportunities for frequent repetition and reinforcement
- additional adults support the child individually, under the direction of the setting SENDCo. Early Years Specialist Teachers can advise and support setting SENDCo's to:
- offer a range of opportunities modified to the child's need
- provide frequent opportunities for child to develop independence or self-care skills
- provide opportunities to access carefully structured individual multi-sensory learning programmes which are broken down into very small steps. This should involve opportunities for overlearning, repetition and re-visiting of skills covered
- support use of augmentative communication systems. For example, Makaton, objects of reference, or photos.
- create frequent opportunities for peer to peer interaction
- monitor the progress of the child using structured methods
- provide opportunities for the child and family to engage in community activity
- a small steps monitoring system should be in place to assess child’s need, identify outcomes, implement support and monitor and evaluate progress
- termly planned reviews including the parent should take place to include the child’s voice. Referral to portage services via portage website . Portage is a home visiting educational service for pre-school children with special educational needs. These may be pre-school children who have learning difficulties, delays in their development or physical difficulties. The portage teams aim to help families by working with them in their home, helping them to meet the needs of their child. Children can be referred from birth
- pupils will have continued access to good high quality teaching and targeted intervention
- daily highly individualised learning programmes using well researched evidence-based interventions, managed and monitored by the SENDCo, will be in place
- where a pupil does not make sufficient progress through the previous interventions and provision list above, staff should decide on more personalised intervention, which is time-bound and quantifiable. Advice and support should be sought from Specialist Teachers and professionals to best address the pupil 's needs
- monitor the progress of the pupil using structured methods. This support should be recorded following the graduated approach and reviewed in line with the SEND Code of Practice
- on-going opportunities for 1:1 support focused on specific personalised targets, with reinforcement in whole class activities, to aid transfer of skills
- mainstream class with regular, targeted, small group support
- further modification of level, pace, amount of teacher talk to address pupil's identified needs
- structured and multi-sensory approaches to learning to be addressed
- advice from external agencies is implemented in the classroom
- additional specific provision and or advice might include:
- a detailed time-limited programme
- personalised timetable
- personalised curriculum
- personalised resources
- personalised learning environment
- personalised resources from external agencies
- further enhanced opportunities to use technological aids or assistive technologies which are more personalised to the learner
- using the correct assessment tools to accurately capture pupil’s attainment when working outside the expected range for the year group or key stage
- routine opportunities for over learning and practice of basic skills on a daily basis
- emphasis on automaticity, skill mastery, and generalisation of skill, at a level appropriate to the pupil's developmental stage
- some withdrawal for short periods with learning planned by the class or subject teacher or additional teacher and reinforced within the classroom
- individual diagnostic assessment of pupil’s fundamental skills and knowledge to identify specific gaps that are preventing progress
- development of automaticity should be facilitated through overlearning opportunities
- implementation of SEND plans across all areas of the curriculum and curriculum leaders to be aware of adaptions made to support SEND learners in their area
- presentation and delivery may require modification and support through the use of real objects and links to real life (avoiding the abstract)
- personalised small steps targets within group programmes or 1:1
- regular liaison between external professionals and school staff in relation to specific programmes and targets
- teachers access training and support from experienced teachers and teaching assistants, who can provide the most relevant up to date advice and guidance, to ensure quality delivery of SEND provision