Level 3-4 what you may notice
The child displays moderate difficulties across all developmental areas
- developmental delay, 12 months' delay at 3 – 4 years, using EYFS development matters
- continual difficulties with sequencing, matching and naming
- difficulties recognising letters, sounds and numbers
- minor developmental delay, 6 months' delay at 2 years, (using development matters or equivalent developmental tool)
- slow progress with early learning, language acquisition, play and personal independence skills
- needs some individual support to develop appropriate self-care and independence skills. For example, dressing, eating and toileting
- difficulties with sequencing
The pupil shows low level learning difficulties which affect their access to the curriculum and may be working up to 1 year below Age Related Expectations in attainment. The pupil is able to access whole class learning with some small group/focused intervention support to ensure the gap between them and their peers does not widen. The pupil’s needs are met through high quality teaching with the use of targeted strategies and school led intervention, e.g. booster programmes or focused interventions.
Specific Learning Difficulties, the pupil shows significant difficulties with acquiring literacy or numeracy skills, taking into account the age and developmental level of the pupil. The pupil may be working up to 2 years below Age Related Expectations in attainment. The pupil’s needs are met using a combination of approaches (including the provision of appropriate assistive technology resources, small group interventions and 1:1 individualised support in and out of the classroom) following support and advice from professionals as appropriate.
- evidence of continuing difficulties with literacy, numeracy and co- ordination which affect progress in other areas of the curriculum
- they are working outside of the programme of study for their key stage in one or more core subjects and progress is slow
- often has difficulties with independent working and has difficulties with reasoning, understanding or expressing thoughts.
- low level to moderate but persistent difficulties in acquiring expected literacy or numeracy skills. For example, phonic learning very slow to develop
- dependent on context, there are some difficulties with the pace of delivery, understanding instructions and prioritising or organising work
- poor phonological processing, working memory and processing skill
- working up to one year below age related expectations in attainment
- lack of concentration in some lessons
- suspected memory difficulties
- possible low-level behaviour problems or work avoidance
- may find it difficult to follow lengthy (more than 2 or 3 step) instructions and routines
- support needed to organise resources or new activities
- difficulties with adaptive behaviour and social skills. For example, can seem immature when compared to peers