Level 7-10 strategies to support highly specialised interventions
High quality teaching, targeted and specialist strategies, approaches and adaptations for pupils should be implemented and supplemented
- teaching and learning approaches place a high emphasis on direct training, very finely graded and practical tasks which provide opportunities for frequent repetition and reinforcement
- individualised curriculum approach and planned opportunities to access specific programmes of support
- specialist individual support from range of VI specialists
- additional adults support the child individually, under the direction of the teacher or manager to:
- work on significantly modified curriculum tasks
- access daily individual support
- encourage independence
- create opportunities for peer to peer interaction
- monitor the progress of the child using highly structured methods
- provide opportunities for child to develop independent living skills through access to targeted interventions
- to provide opportunities for the child to engage in community activities
- a monitoring system should be in place to assess child need, identify outcomes, implement support and monitor and evaluate progress
- planned reviews including the parent and child should take place
- physiotherapist or occupational therapist and other involved professional reports and assessments
- EHCP may be in place to recognise the pupil’s needs and provision required to meet them
- daily individual support to work on modified curriculum
- therapy programmes as advised by PT or OT
- adaptations to physical environment as advised by OT
- specialist seating
- aids and equipment, for example, laptop or tablet, alternative recording device, specialist cutlery, changing plinth, manual handling aids
- adult help to change position, or from one piece of equipment to another. For example, when toileting, transitioning from specialist seating to wheelchair
- adult help to access PE and a differentiated programme
- specialist school chair in addition to wheelchair
- adult help with tasks such as dressing, feeding, toileting due to motor impairment Recording
- assistive technology, including laptop, tablet, eye gaze, switches
- mobility - uses a wheelchair all of the time to move around school and requires hoisting from one piece of equipment to another and may need a specialist school chair (in addition to wheelchair)
- dependent on an adult for all tasks such as dressing, feeding, toileting due to motor impairment
- Together for Short Lives - This charity provides support for families and members who work directly families of children and young people who are expected to have short lives or life limiting conditions.