Initial steps - early intervention and effective whole school systems

EBSA setting self audit tool: used as part of the initial steps within Lincolnshire’s EBSA pathway, where the focus is on early intervention & effective whole school systems.  The audit tool enables schools to take preventative whole school measures towards EBSA, with a focus on identifying early warning signs through early intervention and prevention.

EBSA risk screening tool: utilised to identify and maintain robust oversight of children and young people who are vulnerable.  It can be used to share with SENCo’s, EBSA and mental health leads and pastoral leads, allowing them to make assessments of underpinning needs and put appropriate adjustments or support and interventions in place at the point they first arise.  

EBSA interventions: Provides examples of whole school and targeted interventions to support school’s key role in the identification of children and young people who are currently experiencing or are at risk of EBSA.  Details some activities and interventions that schools can put in place to promote resilience, belongingness, emotional literacy skills and secure attachments.  

Lincolnshire Parent Carer Forum (LPCF): is recognised and supported by the Department for Education (DfE) under the Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Code of Practice (2015).  LPCF is specifically tasked with working alongside the local authority and health to help ensure that the services that are planned, commissioned, delivered and monitored, meet the needs of children with SEND.  They run a wide number and range of events and workshops to support parents and carers of children with SEND

SEND Workforce Development: is accessed via the Lincolnshire Children's Safeguarding Partnership (LSCP) website.  Offers a wide range of training including support interventions, restorative practice, sensory processing and integration, What is inclusion?, autism, supporting transitions and an induction tier.   

Lincolnshire’s Local Offer: provides access to a wide range of support, services and signposting for parents and carers, young people and professionals.    

Ask SALL: SEND Advice Line Lincolnshire (SALL) is an early advice service for SENDCos, SEND managers and other professionals.  It supports settings to meet the needs of children and young people with SEND, as early as possible, through SALL advisors providing guidance through the graduated approach and signposting to next steps and resources to support and meet need.  

Ask SALL Resource Bank: provides a wide range of information and signposting links to available support services, training and resources.  Also provides links for referral forms and contacts.  

Lincolnshire’s Inclusion Toolkit: provides SENDCos with an easy access, evidence based toolkit, to optimise outcomes for children and young people with SEND.  The toolkit is designed to guide early years settings, schools and colleges in the education and development of children and young people with SEND.  It supports SENDCos in translating baseline assessment outcomes, such as those from VSEND, into co-produced evidence-based, robust and responsive support plans.  Each area of need also links to high quality resources for using at home.    

Valuing SEND (VSEND): is an assessment tool that enables educational settings to develop a single, rounded picture of the needs of children and young people and the support they need to succeed and prosper within and outside of their education.  It provides a foundation for planning and commissioning support and the subsequent monitoring and evaluation of progress at a child and a cohort level.  Enabling earlier identification and more co-ordinated intervention.

Working Together Team: is a National Autistic Society advanced status accredited service. They advocate best practice and provide specialist support to empower mainstream settings to ensure autistic children and young people thrive through collaborative working with families and professionals.  They offer a wide range of resources, advice, training and support. 

Pupil Reintegration Team: provides a wide range of support to schools in relation to EBSA.  Their EBSA caseworkers are able to support with identifying signs of EBSA, offer consultations, training and advice, share good practice, guide through the implementation of robust and meaningful cycles of assess, plan, do and review and signpost to alternative agencies for advice and information.   
Email to contact the team          Telephone: 01522 555798 (North) or 01522 555816 (South)

Here4You: offers an advice and self-referral line for parents or carers of children and for young people (aged 13 or over), who are struggling with their emotional or mental health and are not currently being supported by Healthy Minds, MHST or CAMHS.  There is also an online self-referral form and access to information about online workshops, websites and tips from young people to young people.    

Healthy Minds: provides emotional wellbeing support for children and young people up to 19 years old (or 25 years old for young people with SEND or are a care leaver).  The support offered is based on cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) techniques.  They offer self-help, workshops, virtual groups and one to one sessions.  

Mental Health Support Teams (MHST): are an expanding service designed to help meet the mental health needs of children and young people in selected education settings  Teams are made up of clinical lead practitioners and education mental health practitioners (EMHPs). They work collaboratively with selected education settings.  

Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS): is designed to meet a wide range of moderate to severe mental health needs in children and young people. These will include moderate, acute and severe, complex or enduring mental health problems or disorders that are causing significant impairments in their lives. The CAMHS Crisis and Enhanced Home Treatment Team (CCETT) provides crisis intervention for young people actively displaying suicidal ideation or following suicide attempts, severe symptoms of depression with suicidal ideation, life threatening harm to self, harm to others as a result of a mental health concern, acute psychotic symptoms or presentation of anorexia with severe physical symptoms.  Where involved, the CCETT and CAMHS team would work together to support a child or young person and their family.  
Early help pathway: provides additional help to some children, young people and their families for a period of time to prevent needs escalating.  The early help assessment (EHA) and Team Around the Child (TAC) can play a key part in the EBSA pathway as part of wider holistic needs.  The aim of early help is to work with families, to find their own solutions to the problems they are facing as early as possible.  It gives the child or young person the opportunity to tell their support network what help they need to feel safe, happy and well.  The child’s team of support create a plan from listening to the child or young person and acting in their best interests.  There is a wide range of resources available, including having conversations in early help (guidance on completing an EHA with a family), a leaflet for families about TAC and the TAC handbook.  

Early help consultation: offer support and case advice to professionals working within early help to understand EHA, and TAC, best practice. This can include how to explore EHA with families and considering next steps, sharing information on EHA or TAC process, and also offering bespoke case advice and supervision to TAC lead professionals. For further information please contact your setting’s allocated early help consultant or email

Healthcare plans: can help to ensure that schools effectively support pupils with medical conditions, in terms of both physical and mental health.  They provide clarity about what needs to be done, when and by whom and are often essential.  Guidance on school’s duties and also on developing an individual healthcare plan 

Virtual school: supports the education of all children in care, those previously looked-after and children with a social worker.  They have a comprehensive training offer including Caring2Learn, which can support all education settings to develop their trauma informed and relational approaches and further support the social, emotional and mental health needs of school’s most vulnerable children and young people.  Further information and how to book the training offer for education settings