Engaging with services
When individuals or family members are not engaging with services consider if you are:
- colluding
- relieved
- avoiding conflict
- do you feel at risk?
- who should you talk to and share your concerns and feelings?
Strategies you can consider:
- calls
- home visits
- joint visits
- letters
- appointments
- other agencies
- GP contact
- trusted family member
- line manager discussion
- safeguarding
- take action
Do not close the case
Do you have concerns with:
- mental health
- safeguarding
- family pressure
- family acting as gatekeeper
- capacity but still vulnerable
- situational capacity
- duress
The next steps are:
Seriously consider a face-to-face multi-agency strategy meeting and risk assessment.
- a mental capacity assessment
- a mental health assessment
- seeking legal advice
- entering a safeguarding alert on records
Do not assume that someone else is doing something.
Actively check with other agencies known to be in contact with the person.
Discuss with your line manager and corporate safeguarding team.
Indication could lead to:
- risk to patient: abuse, neglect, injury or death
- risk to practitioner: lack of confidence, disciplinary action
- risk to organization:
- safeguarding adult review
- organization reputational issues
- negative media coverage
- compensation or damages being paid