Self-neglect concerns procedure

If you have concerns about self-neglect follow this procedure:

Self neglect process

1.  Multi-agency assessment of situation or risk.  Is there evidence that the neglect is likely to result in significant harm to the person’s health and wellbeing?

2.  If there is evidence, assess capacity in relation to the identified needs:

  • If the person is lacking capacity – intervention is needed on a best interest basis, proportionate to the risks
  • If the person has capacity – see our policy and procedures in relation to an individual or families not engaging with services

3.  Hold a multi-agency meeting to discuss implementation of a multi-agency support plan.  There are two outcomes:

  • Person accepts support plan – requiring ongoing monitoring and a review must be undertaken.  This is to ensure continued engagement and effectiveness.
  • Person rejects plan – another multi-agency meeting should be convened.  Review the plan to try and agree an acceptable plan.

4.  Where self-neglect is likely to result in significant harm make a Safeguarding Adults Referral.