A suite of Mosaic reports are available to support Lincolnshire County Council Adult Care teams on our Business Objects Launch Pad.

In future phases, reports will be available to our partner agencies.

As part of phase 1, Business Support Super Users can run reports on behalf of the teams they support.

If you are unsure who to contact, email ASC_Performance@lincolnshire.gov.uk

Most reports are designed for use in Excel (DATA reports) and some have a SUMMARY overview designed for printing (PDF).

You can learn more about the content of each report in the Adult Care Reports document and how to run reports in the Launch Pad User Guide.

Report groups and available reports

Activity (as completed or started Assessments and Reviews)
Adult Care Contacts, Assessments, Reviews

Caseload (customers open to teams or workers, workloads)
By team, By worker, Review workload

Data Quality (customer information which needs correction or checking for accuracy)
Customer Record errors, Deceased with open services, Key Teams

Person Details (demographic information for our customers)
Demographics, Accommodation, Employment, Legal and Health

Management Information (timescales, workflow tasks)
Assessments for new customers, Workflow tasks to be sent to teams

Services (details of customers and their services)
All services exc. Carers, Community Supported Living, Direct Payments, Homecare, Long Term Care

Help with Mosaic

Help desk support is available Monday to Friday, 8am-5.30pm.