Infection prevention and control

Infection prevention and control is a key health priority and there are requirements that must be met under the Health & Social Care Act (2008) and the Care Quality Commission (CQC).

The Health Protection Team can offer support and guidance to commissioners and providers of health and adult social care in Lincolnshire.

We will help to ensure the appropriate IPC systems and processes are in place to meet the required national standards and that they are able to provide evidence of good quality, clean and safe care.

View a range of useful infection prevention and control factsheets.

Notifiable diseases

Download this poster from PHE for guidance and information on notifiable diseases and how notifications should be made.

The list of notifiable diseases is available on .

Communicable disease

“Communicable disease” microorganisms that spread from one person to animal to another.

Find out what infections are, how they are transmitted and those at higher risk of infection.

Find out more: UK Health Security Agency - GOV.UK (