Placement at Pilgrim Hospital School

One of the outcomes of MSP can be a placement at Pilgrim Hospital School.  Placements are provided on a short-term basis to support the child or young person to return to their main school.  They are not an end destination or a permanent placement.  Pilgrim Hospital School will work with the child or young person, their family and the main school to support the pupil’s well-being and return to education.  
During a placement, regular reviews will take place; for example at approximately 6, 12 and 18 weeks from start date.  The child or young person’s main school should view these meetings as an extension of the EBSA pathway and, wherever possible, lead them in order to maintain a positive relationship with the child or young person.  These meetings will continue to focus on the child or young person at the centre and be used to discuss progress and at the appropriate point, strategies for reintegration back to school.  

Main schools are required to nominate a key adult who has a positive relationship with the pupil to make and maintain regular contact during a placement at Pilgrim.  This can be done either independently or via Pilgrim key staff, dependent on pupil need and presentation. This maintains a sense of belonging to the main school community for a child or young person whilst attending Pilgrim. 

Pupils remain on roll with their main school and should receive equal access to key stage 4 options processes, careers advice and events and other opportunities offered to the rest of school or the child or young person’s year group or class.  Where schools are in receipt of top up funding or pupil premium, some of this may be requested to support identified additional resource at placement, such as access to trips or intervention programs.  
The child or young person’s main school is crucial and will take a lead role in working with Pilgrim in relation to the planning and steps that will be put in place to support the transition back to their setting. The Pupil Reintegration Team will also be involved to support the transition and maximise its success.