Range of situations covered by this policy

Serious Case Review

All clients subject to a serious case review should be restricted at the request of a team manager or senior manager.

This also applies in the case of a child death which may lead to a Serious Case Review.

New/historic clients

New or historic clients who are existing or new LCC employees or external professionals who use Mosaic.

LCC employees or external professionals who use Mosaic and are already a customer or become one

An LCC employee’s or external professional’s team manager must contact the Mosaic help desk to have the employee’s customer record restricted. Please note that searching for or accessing an employee’s customer record either yourself or on behalf of a colleague is not permitted.

Clients with a high media profile

Any requests for restricting records will be in line with the general principles.

Clients who are direct relatives (i.e. spouse, parent, child, etc.) of LCC employees or external professionals who use Mosaic

The records of clients who are direct relatives of LCC employees or external professionals who use Mosaic will be restricted by default and the request for restriction should be raised by their line manager. The worker may request that the record of a relative is also restricted to the team in which they work, if requested this will need to be authorised by their Service Manager.

Pre-adoption records

All pre-adoption records should be restricted when an adoption workflow is started.

The worker should submit a request to Mosaic Help Desk to restrict the record, which is authorised by their Practice Supervisor or Team Manager.

Once an Adoption Order is granted, a new record will be created for the child (Post Adoption Record).

This Post Adoption Record should not be restricted.